This will be featured, no doubt. Great map. Gameplay seems to play out very well. you should seriously consider joining atlas, bungies personal...
lol for the rep, i thank you. And doing so, ill return the favor.
I downloaded this map and was deeply disappointed. If "ABCrew" whoever they are, thought this was their best map yet? then they need to forge...
I like the idea, were'nt the first. I made a map months ago of this same concept. and before me there were probably people with the idea. but...
This map is such a sick idea. Really worth downloading. 5/5 Thanks
I don't like these kind of maps just testing your jumping ability...idk. 2/5
Download First Map Test: Game 5 shot [IMG] _____________________________________________________ This map is ColdStorage MADE SIMPLE!...
I taken them while i was in forge mode because i wanted players to see some of my spawn locations. Just more info players would like. Doesn't...
[IMG] Description: -Dividen is a "close quarters combat" map. -Dividen is a Symmetrical map. -Dividen is also a "Base Oriented" map as well....