Well technically I cheated (infinite money glitch) so shhhh, but thanks for the compliments man - as for the interlocking, (I suppose I should've...
Thanks bro - I'm glad you liked the thread (It was my first time with photoshop) :]
[IMG] By: o Zinni o [IMG] Download Well hello there everybody - Zinni here. I know I haven't been active much here due to my...
Hmm...well said my good sir ahahah, well said. I think I'll practice patience for this one. Hopefully I won't regret it. Thanks for the help guys!
Fail for you? Well that was nice....lol - And yea I know it was duplicate, hence my warning at the top of the OP. I haven't been here too long so...
What about Internal cards? Those are perfectly fine as well...and the fact that it's 200 isn't the problem as much as the fact it's not in stock...
Yea that's how I made it work with Vista, but I guess it's just too old to use for Windows 7 - I thought I put the name of it in the OP, but I...
Hi there, (Before yo read, note that I've put this thread in another category as well, but it wasn't getting any views; nevermind replies.) If...
Hi there, The name's Zinni. (GT = o Zinni o) I have recently put together my first computer. I figured Windows 7 64-bit would be the best OS to...