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Jul 14, 2012 at 11:35 PM
Oct 26, 2010
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Nashville, Tennessee
Core Map Designer, Map Reviewer.

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Forerunner, from Nashville, Tennessee

Zenixlio was last seen:
Jul 14, 2012
    1. PacMonster1
      When I pull up your map to view it a message pops up saying, "This map description has offensive language, replacing with blam!".

      Just thought you should know...Interesting how this hasn't been brought up in the 2 months you've had the map.
    2. MetaWaddleDee
    3. broccollipie
    4. broccollipie
      You're out of the RH? Why?
    5. high way 9
      high way 9
      hey im not really tripping on what all you lil punks think about me here on forge hub itz my map i care what people think about.so go kick rocks!!!!
    6. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      There is a walkthrough of the map that I have posted on my fileshare. This proves over anything that I'm not guilty. For your number of downloads has not changed from what it was prior to me uploading the video. If anything I was being nice by posting what little I did. You use steep ramps that limit mobility. Your bridges' railings don't align nicely. The map has major amounts of frame rate issues with splitscreen. There are random holes throughout the map as Organite had suggested that you fix. The back of the building has no railing so it is easy to back up and fall to your death. There are many other flaws with this map. If you had looked almost all of the forgers had agreed with me that had posted on your map. Ex- k1rby33, Oli The G, Tedium, Organite. I wasn't the only one who found areas where you could improve. I was just trying to help you with your map, but I'll refrain myself from trying to help you on any of your other maps.
    7. Knight Of 0rder
      Knight Of 0rder
      As much as I love lies and rumors circulating around me I would like to clarify something here. You, my friend, are sadly mistaken; I did, in fact, download your map (although downloading it appears to have been a grievous error). People seem to be agreeing with much of what I had to say; it seems you just can't handle criticism very well. If you have a problem with the bitter truth then so be it; just don't spread your delusions, lies, and falsehoods to others. In this country you are innocent until proven guilty and I implore you to follow the same principle.
    8. Tedium
      Yeah, sorry... again. It's something about you that just always stays way in the back of my mind :| Or maybe I was away for the weekend. Anywho, I've updated the thread. Much better, but more details in the thread itself.
    9. Organite
      I haven't been on the Xbox in like a week
    10. Tedium
      Well clearly you have a problem with what I've given you. Speak your mind.
    11. Tedium
      Ah, damn I keep forgetting to get back to you >_< so sorry. Your section is Balance: take your time.
    12. Organite
      Alright, thanks!
    13. Organite
      Hey Zeni, I totally didn't notice this but robbie claimed Bunker Complex before you had.
      Would you mind picking something to do?
      Or just sticking with what you had cos you have quite a bit on your plate anyway?
    14. LD
      Dude I had to change you Signature, the picture of the RH was way too big, please find a smaller one
    15. cluckinho
      Alright cool
    16. cluckinho
      Would you like to do balance or enjoyment for our review of tunnelball?
    17. Tedium
      Sorry man, I've been a little inactive haven't I? I noticed that you were taken off of Killimanjaro 3.0 on the To Do Thread, and I'm sorry I wasn't able to be your partner. To be completely honest with you I hadn't noticed the To Do list at all, and only really read through it just now. Anyway, it's real nice to have you pitch in to help us out and I really appreciate your level of enthusiasm. In regards to you and me, maybe we could do something together some other time, as it's regrettably too late by now (as I believe Organite might have mentioned.)
    18. Organite
      It's really too late in the cycle to worry about joining in with someone else, but yea I'll take you off Tedium's review.
    19. Organite
      Hmmm, he has been rather transient lately.
      If he doesn't get you a section to do by like noon tomorrow then don't worry about it.
      I'll ask him though
    20. Organite
      I was wanting to know if you got your review section for Killamanjaro to Tedium yet?
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  • About

    Nashville, Tennessee
    Core Map Designer, Map Reviewer.
    Hey, I'm Zenixlio. I'm a member of a Forge Team called "Xunto". We are currently working on Zodiac Map Pack.

    Archietecture, Greek and Roman Mythology, Religion, Art and Design.



    Affliction V2

    :In Progress:
    Gemini:Libra:Aquarius:Zodiac Map Pack