This reminds me so much of the map that had a bioshock look to it(I forgot the name sadly) It looks like it's worth a download, I'll try it out...
Hey, I'm BlueZebra (you can call me Zebra or blue, I really don't care), currently a 30 in mlg(a little low, I know, I'd like to get it higher but...
Go into forge mode, start a new round, wait 30 seconds and the banshee's will respawn allowing you to change the respawn time of the banshee's....
Okay...and it's a newer grifball map now... Looks a lot better, I'll give it a dl later.'re a ****ing moron. First off, Grifball wasn't bungie's idea. Burnie, the maker of Red vs Blue and a bunch of his buddies ended...
I remember playing this with you and pie, was a load of fun. Forging was outstanding, the idea was very well done, and very creative way of...
Oh wow, it took me way too long to see the final version, didn't it? Glad it's finished, I remember helping in the beginning then I left...
Whoah, I downloaded this earlier thinking it looks cool, next thing I know it's featured. Can't wait to play it now. :)
I also recommend adding more life to the middle grounds. The random flying fusion coils kinda bugs me tbh. I could give you some ideas on what...
Well, the version I currently have from you(I downloaded it two nights ago) I was successful enough to jump over the wall, grab any weapon and...
Okay, I looked around the map, tried the different classes and I will say this right away(note: do not be offended by my constructive criticism,...
Wow...just...just wow. When I first saw this, I liked the layout of the first post and thought "Hey, why not download it?" so I did...and didn't...
He's asking how did you make it so the VIP spawns in that particular room, not how he went from invulnerable to kill able. In fact, I'm wondering...