to be honest, orchid is my favorite map, cuz its not on the middle plat, but in skybubble, and its bigger than obelisk.
omg says the guy who received an official warning for spamming
thnx guys, i know but i REALLY posted it once and i now it shows twice and i dont know why, srry though.
Pictures: Blue Base http//"][IMG] Red Base [IMG] Map Overview #1 [IMG] Map...
omg definately my type of map! rly nice gonna download.
ah kk, well srry if i offensed u or w/e, but i guess im very critisizing [hope i spelled it right.] but ah well.
keep it clean, i prefer the original [and official] mlg guardian versions better.
LOL SRRY AGAIN. but put ALL boxes that can be put upsidedown, upsidedown [i mean bases etc.] like the middle and center parts but the bases...
srry but this doesnt seem mlg to me, u should use the crypt stacked, what i did gunsliner, it allows ya to put more objects on the map as usual....
dude download link on skull map, a friend needs it
what are u talking about? way to bring back a bad topic? btw most times fags themselves say that others are fags. just some basic education.
srry to say but this remake sucks, and why would you remake a map if the original is on the same disk, i started with a remake of guardian 2 and...