i mean like an arena that you have BR battles in.
I have searched around every where and all im looking for is a BR Battle Colosseum type map. and a tournament map on like foundry. It will be...
thanks dude i tryd hard on this 1 hope u like it
as long as you have people that will try it....it will be a blast
excuse me? I sont speak to much spanish
wow ok thanks alot, that really helps me out then i probley would have gotten warn eventually then
Thanks! ummm....pros would reconize it because its just the same type of bunkers and stuff
thats fine. i dont see what your point is but when i looked into paintball maps....there wasnt that many
thank you i think it would be great for double xp weekend
np hitman its all good
Yes this is my map Alot of people already have this map....but from what i know i have only seen 1 other map that look like this but they are both...