This my favorite DDay map I have seen, Im still heavily testing my DDay map which I will probably Post on here. The only complaint I have is the...
how were you ablle to do that, and congrats on the 40 at the time of that picture
i know those people (Draco and mastr) they belong to halotracks. but i like the demo but not so much on the map.
well i have changed my name once so i have two storys the first gt which is my current profile name is pretty much a story of my early high school...
Congrats on your first post it looks good. Alright there is a problem with the link, it doesnt work, but after looking at the link i was able to...
The first map with this gametype was a complete blast with groups of 8, all my friends loved the gas idea. This map looks even better. The fuel...
Forge in reach is going to be better since it gives the average joe the chance to make aesthetically pleasing maps with out having to spend hours...
wow thats alot, i thought i was a nerd with over 4,000 invested in forge and custom games, but over 9,000?!?!? thats just amazing, im glad to see...
your welcome it was a good job
I understand that i can be the same way, i was going to be harder but i found almost nothing wropng with your map, I played 5 different games on...
your welcome it was one of my reviews for my application to become an official reviewer.
Enjoyablity: This map is extremely enjoyable since it is fair to all players, has a fast paced gameplay and kept me drawn in the entirety of the...
Enjoyment: I downlaoded this map anticipating a fun-filled infection map. What I got was a map with unfair gameplay that would ruin it for any...
I like thank you so much now how did i add it my sig? edit: nevermind i figured it out :) thank you so much again
well i honestly dont care i havent really given anything to it, id like a good picture of a halo sniper to be the back ground and then my gt and...