Hey guys, Blivion here. Want to win a mouse from Razor? Here's a link to the contest! Razer | Get Imba Share & Win Contest
But the perspective should be the same for all the text because its stacked
The perspective of the text is terrible, it should be the same for all the text, and it was hard to read the white/grayish text, the bottom text...
Haha, yeah, thats alright
Hey, you know how you said change the color of the BG, well i cant, because its a stock and i cant get the color to only be on the background, ha
[IMG] Like that, haha
Photoshop, i just took the inside, added noise, 3 times on different layers, each with different settings, then i put them into frames.
[IMG] Lol Whatcha think?
Thats cool, maybe instead of the diagonal lines, add noise, kinda like if your tv goes out, its all snowy.
Try the first one, with the new border, and maybe give the wisps, (curly things around guitar) a glow, maybe a little bit of an outer glow, just...
Looks pretty neat, How did you make it?