Yo what happened! remember me?! I'm playing halo reach like no tomorrow...**** black ops i misses u add me!
All he did was make his camera go slightly under the map and positioned himself.
Hey its me...i saw your post and I would love for you to help. I will be out of town for about two weeks...i will see if i can get some internet...
Okay lolmeister...send me a message on xbl saying its you...or just send me a friend request because I will be going out of town on a 2 week trip...
Wow....that is really good, it looks fun and creative. Now I don't have to go to an arcade to play. Just put in some Halo and load the map and...
Hey guys! I have been with this awesome community for a year now and i want to make a really good map. The map has been started but it will need a...
YouTube - makemebad35's Channel sorry about not embedding, it doesnt really matter to me so if you want to put it up with me send me a message.
Yea, even though I have those achievements, it still was too easy. I know Reach is THE thing right now, but if you couldn't custom Firefight, I...
I hate 10 honestly because it is too fast. Since your on 10, I would really like to see your gameplay. You probably fail at no-scoping unless you...
guess so, but I was brainstorming on the whole idea and wondering what you guys thought. And i hope when you said "next Bungie game" isn't halo...
Well, It would probably take longer for the kill to occur so that is a possible defect, but the guy could come up on a opponent, throw that guy on...
Well boys and girls.....Halo Reach fans in fact. I am not positive IF the Katana is in Reach. Many of you Halo 3 fans know what this is. If you...