You're a crack head.
Listen to me explain my reasoning for Aesthetics being superior to Gameplay!
- In version 4.0, many of the jump ups are replaced with ramps so the Courtyard doesn't seem like a death Pit. And I'll really take in to...
Do you mean like railings ? I left most of the bridges open because I didn't expect there to be a lot of camping and Railings would defeat the reason.
Is it any better now?
Is the layout picture not working?
Well, Here's another map! :) [IMG] BACKGROUND - MLG Chrome is my newest and I must say my best map yet. It was made in 2 and a half days [ on...
Actually i'm really thankful for the feedback, and the rocks weren't really there at first its was bridges until I ran out of pieces, so I thought...
Yes, named after a vacuum. MLG Bissell 4v4 Symmetrical Base styled map, Inspired by MLG "The Pit" MLG Bissell Revolves around Team Based...
Description: Enriched is a medium 4v4 Symmetrical Slayer map. Based of a forerunner/covenant style, Enriched takes full advantage of it...