Well, I never saw or used a one-way door in reach so I don't know what they're like, but based on what you guys have said, they pull you through...
hmm.. so if you just stick to the wall when you touch it, could you use it as a floor that you're unable to jump on?
Looks pretty small, but nice. Just hope that you will have enough of those gigantic wall things to make it though =P
Very clever gametype. The maps, other than the foundry one, are not very eye catching to be honest. I mean, the foundry one looks fantastic, just...
Fantastic idea, I hope for your sake its possible.
While I think I know what you're saying. What I mean is that the physics in halo 3 won't allow you to drive upside-down. A loop da loop has been...
I know its only my opinion, but why would you complain about the reach AR not being able to kill in one clip when the AR is only useful for 'burst...
Now, I have a feeling that a topic like this may be more suited to the 'Reach Discussion' thread, I hope it does it does not have to be moved....
Looks neato! you have put really unique ideas into this map and it really stands out to me. The height changes in this map look really fun too. I...
Did anyone notice that every picture shows someone in a bunker or on a turret? I think you could take some shots of people moving around the map...
My newest map, check it out!
Keep in mind this is not matchmaking, people play this for fun and most will not choose to be assholes and simply jump off. Even players without a...
You did a great job on getting my attention on the first pic. The other pictures on the other hand, were somewhat of a let down. While everything...
Nice map, however there isn't a whole lot to look at with there being so much aerial combat. I feel the pictures probably don't do this map...