gameplay is great it fits midship very well, the only thing that i can think of that isn't like midship are the slanted walls on one side of the...
Thanks tell me if you can if there is anything i need to change
Sandstone Sandstone is a asymetrical map for Team slayer, FFA slayer, CTF, and stockpile. Weapons: shotgun-x1 assault rifle-x5 DMR-x2 Frag...
Invasion: Inheritance Inheritance (Thanks go to Aesthetic Forger for creating the map Inheritance) Inheritance was already an aestetic map...
oh really thanks ill do that next time. Added after 1 Day 15 Hours: new link for facility has been remade so there isn't a stupid typo in the...
Facility Facility is used for CTF, Slayer, Headhunter, Stockpile, KOTH, Multi-team, and Oddball. (Recommended 2-8 players) [IMG]...