That's not my fault, why are you saying I made you upset? I'm not your mom, I didn't know your dyslexic, in fact no one did, also, if your...
Nice one, and that prevents you from using spell check. And by the way, dyslexic people use computers for a reason, because it's not hard to push...
Srsly I'm fifteen and not even I spell halo like "ahlo". I have every halo game, read every book, and I've studied the wiki enough to know that an...
Sorry, but I'm agreeing with carter1234, first of all, this kid can't spell, let alone use punctuation, second, I bet he doesn't even know that...
Oh and be sure to look out for my gamer tag in those clips; i'm sure you'll know who I am.... (trollface)
No. It's not "alias", thus I refute thee.
Amazing, this map is the first Good map I have seen on anchor 9, also I love the excruciating detail on high noon. 10/10.