Halo 3 is over and reach is here, and so I had to step up a notch and i think i steped up 2 notches lol but just to make sure id like to see what...
ya this version was pretty bad huh? well my 2nd version whic has been posted is muc better so if you wouldnt mind pls take a look and let me know =]
all of the above is true however I had absolutly no objects left to fix those problems at all believe me I wish I could have
REFULGENCE V2 FFA 1-6 players(can hold 8), 1v1-3v3 TS and Oddball Hello everyone once agian. This is my last map that I will be releasing for Halo...
precisley lol it is layered and that damn key he used was a well mean key for use of another phrase lol
you must be decoding it wrong because ive already decoded that section and there is no error.
holy roflcopter! i figured out how to decode the last message i must say you r 1 sneaky beaver my friend it will take me a little while but im...
so in other words what your trying to say is...
lol precisley. the only difference is that mine is a bit larger and has a few extra pieces lol
ok first off thanks for all the replies but to those who say that this is a rip off of other maps the only thing that i took and in which i had...
SPIRE Well here we are, another one of my big team slayer and capture the flag maps, however I do believe this is my best one yet. Also with...