Yaiknow, rite? You're thinking 'Jesus help me', '**** this is scary' and '****, I'm going to die'.
Ima helpin' mah Debo!!! :3 Definitely number 1, but I'm mentally unstable and the bright colors enthrall me, so if I was you, I'd just do myself a...
Ha! I like this one! He looks like he's concentrating really hard... 7.5/10
What. The. ****?!?!?!?!?! Great! Now scarabs can FLY!!! That's just swell!
No infraction yet! It must be k. And I think it's somewhere around 300x300 but I'm not sure.
wat. What's too big about it?! Okay, now it's small'd. That still to big?
My new sig is weasletastic!! Thanks to GIMP!
Beeah! Check out my new sig!!!
So funny! lol That has to be one of the best websites ever!!
What is this black magic?! No more om nom nom thread!!!???
Holy ****! Another weasel!!!
Wholy f*ck!!
Wat. That music makes it complete! lol
Wait, so the pancake theory is correct?! There's an underground?!