Thanks for taking a look at the map and commenting, after seeing your comment yesterday I took another look at the map myself and found myself...
Smugglers Keep Created by WADE W1LS0N Map Description This floating fortress is known as 'The Rats Nest' to UNSC Law Enforcement Officials....
Okay, the updated file is on my fileshare and the download link has been updated, and I've also updated the screenshots. I've worked my butt off...
Hey there, just wanted to say thanks for the prompt critique and commentary and let you know that I've spent the past few hours working on...
Ascenscion Created by WADE W1LS0N Map Description With this map I've attempted to avoid my usual desire to over-complicate things whilst...
Upon the realization that my original base design was a campers paradise on both Oddball & Flood following some playtesting in splitscreen with...
Thanks, much appreciated :) I wasn't entirely sure whether to label it as a remake or not due to the visual differences and the modifications I...
Foundation IV Created by WADE W1LS0N Map Description In terms of layout, if not look, this is pretty much an exact remake of Halo 2's Foundation...
Thanks, much appreciated, and a big thanks to anyone else who has commented. I have a feeling my weapon spawns are not going to be popular and...
Well if they didn't like it they could have at least told me so and why, and hopefully give me some suggestions on potential improvements that...
There's no meaning to the cross beyond my needing something of interest to put down below and having nothing left to make it out of asides from...
Well, I really would like to know where I'm going wrong on this site because at present it seems like a complete and total waste of time and...