ok I am sick of everyone coming on here and saying " this track is too hard". Race maps are SUPPOSED to be challenging. If every map was extremely...
Just so you guys all know: I have made a V2 called The Universe and it will hopefully be posted by my friend RK The Beast/AnF Ryan because I am...
ok heres the thing: As I stated before, it is a game of having fun, not hey lets see how long it takes us to get booted by hiding the entire game....
Ok if you guys actually played the game its a simple thing: 8 PLAYERS! You don't exactly have a huge party to begin with. And if you can find a...
I have now played on this map and I have fallen in love. This is a great map that gets my heart racing, trying to find a good spot before getting...
This is a very good map. I saw the finished product and even got a tour. I found a secret that nobody else knows. The map is very well done and I...
ok dream if you understood the words "cross post advertising" then you would realize that means saying HEY GO TO MY TRACK which is exactly what...
Titles are for gay people like dream 76( i know i used a title but that doesnt count) This is a very nice racetrack that works very well. It is...
im just saying that because someone is new on a ite doesnt mean they are complete losers. Imagine if dream made a new account and didnt tell...
yeah im sorry dream its just i personally felt that you were acting all high and mighty but i guess u could be right. considering i never download...
Yeah way to go Dream. Stop acting like you are the King of Racing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions so shut your trap. I'm not saying...