Its in a PDF, may take a while to download but the two books are really cool you should work through both of them Link SRC48 thanks, the...
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys, but it'll be 4 more years before i hit the industry. Kinda noobie at them moment
Thanks alot. I know the eye looks cool but it was really easy seriously this tutorial, as long as you follow it step by step you cant go wrong....
Just thought id post some of the stuff i've been getting up to on here. Sadly i dont forge anymore having give it up for pursuit of more gloriours...
i wouldnt say fake. Its not a single gravlift disguised as a lift. There are three gravlifts which take you up a long shaft from the bottom to the...
As i said in the post, i dont have time to forge anymore. Im moving on to much better stuff but i will still remain on forgehub
Sure, why not
GateHouse is my one and only map on sandbox which i toiled over for several months a while back before college work really started to crush me....
Deathly silence fills the halls of Val.........