Updated to v1.1 Please take a look :)
[IMG] Updated to v1.1! Changes: -New pillar located bottom middle to add some cover -Red tunnel was removed completly leaving only a small...
... can't it wait a few hours untill I can take some pictures on my xbox? I'm at school.....
Atrium v2 By Skyzo and UpsiloN The map was created to be a CTF map to be played with the MLG Ons V5 or V6 settings. You can still play it with...
Did you know that ons is just a basic 2base-map??? It's normal that now all the 2-base maps look like it, it's the basic laout of a 2base..... We...
yeah, the wall wasn't spawned for some reasons lol
Yeah, we were out of objects to create the middle do we did our best with what we had :(
It's hard to get out of it as a monitor lol, I don't think you will be able to :P Thanks for taking a look at it!
Hey Forge hub! For those who want to download now and not read here is the link: Atrium V1 Atrium V1.1 (better spawns in CTF) In the past...