Does anyone remember tesla ,Pepperidge farms remembers Got raped by a crate
I'm thinking of a 2 fort Remake (from Tf2) any suggestions
I think it would be great if there was a forge map playlist for ranked and social Added as a rotating playlist
But still let's be thankful 343 did not tell Us to go screw ourselves
I'm Ready to chew bubblegum and kick ass
Thank Christ
[MEDIA]My reaction to this
Thought terrorist hunt was fun too
Not to the halo 4 noobs who preordered halo 5
High ground Damn good memories
I would be thinking no one would agree with me on this so far 2 people did I was not expecting this
At least you totally Didn't disagree with me
I think it would be cool if they bought firefight back maybe we can make our own firefight maps like you can set enemy spawns like grunt spawns...