Ok, I understand now, and I take back the comment about being rude. As for my "skill" level, I'm strictly run of the mill. I know how to Ghost...
My "skill level"? What, you wouldn't help me if I was just a basic forger? I'm sorry, but that seems a little rude to me.
So, I've basically have like 4 ideas for maps in my head. And I know Reach is less than 4 months away, so I'm trying to come up with one last good...
Well Crypto, if you were on more, we could see what we could do. But you are never there when I need you.
Good job. I'm stuck with 7 Firefight and 2 Campaign achievements to go, and learning that somethings just can't be done alone (getting 200K on...
Sorry if it's already been posted. Go into a file share for the game. The outlines are similar to Halo 3 however, the parts for gametype and...
I'm so glad I found this topic. I would like to put in my two cents. Stockpile on either map (Sword Base or Powerhouse) just doesn't work. The...
So, Dust and Echoes.. what ever happened to it? Well, it's still out there. But the desire within me to finish it isn't. And I think I know why....
Before you jump down my neck, yes, I did do a search. But nothing I found was what I needed. Here's what I'm looking for: Skybubble Budget...
I would like to see either Inglorious or Precious win; just because they weren't big hits.
From Iup.com Potential School Shooting Averted by Xbox Live Tipster - Original Link Potential School Shooting Averted by Xbox Live Tipster...