TurbTastic submitted a new map: Warthog Sumo - Survive on a stage that gets smaller every 20 seconds! In this game everyone is provided with a...
In this game everyone is provided with a warthog and must survive on a stage that gets smaller every 20 seconds. The physics with the warthog are...
Someone may find this useful. Whenever I have objects despawning, moving, or rotating, I like to setup a Message Received Zulu on them to...
The Map Resource Icons need to be at the same aspect ratio of Xbox Screenshots. All the icons look a bit distorted right now. Liking it a lot...
TurbTastic submitted a new map: Mongoose Sumo - Survive on a stage that gets smaller every 20 seconds! In this game everyone is provided with a...
In this game everyone is provided with a mongoose and must survive on a stage that gets smaller every 20 seconds. Rounds are 2 minutes each, and...
I did go back and adjust some things a little bit. Final setup: Dummy Timer Object 1: NO CHANGE Dummy Timer Object 2: Respawn On Deletion @ 25...
Download "scripts 1612" in my files, it has a few scripting examples in it and one of them is a really nice TV with a switch.
See edited post. I got it to work earlier.
Thanks for the suggestion. I tried your setup and it didn't work for me. After I tried reversing the actions for the power states since they...
I got it working for my map, but I'm trying to get something to despawn 20 seconds into each round. The first round has 13 seconds of loading time...