i've played it numerous times and it is really fun^^ it may seems that there are too many power weapons, but if you play it you'll see that most...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwEp1tymYj0 it's a video about me and SpArTaND4N1 leapfrogging around sSand Tarp and epic failing the whole time....
i've added a layout, it doesn't show everything, but now you should have a clue where I've taken the pics from. I interlocked a lot, but i didn't...
the teleporters are just there for the aesthetics, they have no use. there are just 2 parts where you could get out of the map and it isn't that...
Are you kidding me? Pics work fine for me, I'm not new when it comes to forums, I can easily install and manage vBulletin forums myself...
[IMG] SPC Disaster is a really small map and supports Slayer and Oddball Games. Because it's so small, it should be played in small groups...
klar, warum nicht, adde mich einfach bei xbox live, gamertag ist derselbe wie mein name ;) und mindestens 2 deutsche kenne ich hier noch, durch...
you can see the geomerged fence box on the 4th pic and i geomerged two other double boxes into the wall, but yeah, otherwise there isn't that much...
yeah, i already tried that, but the boxes in the corners ended up getting not straight into the walls and i thought it'd look strange if i...
Prodigious v1.1 [IMG] Prodigious is only my 2nd map I've ever made, I tried lots of new stuff like geomergin, which i never did before. It took...