Simply One Of The Best I Have Ever Seen!!!!! Or Played!!!!!
I think that your Spartan Armour idea is amazing, it looks cool and very futuristic. However I cant see anything amazing about the Elite armour
That is an awsome background for Windows XP, if you buy Halo for PC this should come with it as a bonus background
That sounds pretty damn amazing, I was a big fan of Battlefield 2 for the PC and I wanted to see what Bad Company was like. I was optimistic about...
You never cease to amaze me with your forgeing ideas. I think that you idea is very very well thought out and I also enjoy Conquest type maps and...
very exciting news and good work finding it.
I did not see V1 of your Redrum map but this one looks very well made. I will download and see if it works as good as you say so.
It is a truly amazing map with a great idea behind it. I will most definitly download and see what its like.
As the others said, this is a great guide. Can you keep the troop transport in there and forge with it? Wouldnt it respawn outside of the map again?
very neat looking, I will download and see how it is. I always liked maps like thins where it seems hard to get around. It make battles more fun.
do everything that they said but I would save before you start each round, I didnt save once and it messed up my entire map.
I think that it is a great idea to have one on one slayer in Halo 3. It works pretty well in CoD 4 and I always say that your only good if you can...
I just try to ignore the messages but everytime I feel like I die alittle inside...
I always make maps on Foundry and I must say that this is one of the best I have ever seen. The interlocking is good and it truly does give you a...