I love multi-team! But ill be honest, this map doesn't have as good of a support for it as it should. No cameras for anyone after blue n red and...
Oh im in on this action jackson!
The new bookmark on my fileshare. Changes: Removed spawn point outside of map. Changed colors on a few blocks Added more spawn points Added...
Toastman updated SUB-SYSTEM with a new update entry: Version 1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
Fun Fortress did an FFA playtest a bit ago with 4 others and the only time he mentioned framrate was when on the very top of the map above the...
Thanks! I always try hard to establish a theme in my maps. Not sure on the Gears reference since I didnt play multi on those. P.S.: I got the...
Im surprise anyone remembers it really! Glad of your appreciation! Ill be playing tonight so perhaps I can get a custom game going.
Toastman submitted a new map: SUB-SYSTEM - Red Line has free drinks. Blue Line has complimentary pillows. War was inevitable. 4-8 Players This...
Entry updated with waypoint download link. This map is my go to template when establishing myself with the newest iteration of Forge. I first...
I can increase the lighting intensity if people feel like its too dark to play properly. I had a small FFA playlets last night and no one playing...
EDIT: Map upload tool finally worked for me in a different browser. Official map page here: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/sub-system.970/ (This...
But they are playable spaces so i dont want them moving. there are weapon spawns and hills inside them. Also, there is a cave in and broken...
ALready did since those screens :)