So i can just put up a B.S. post and it will help me get promoted. Seems too easy.
I will try that. Thanks.
Thanks for the info. Had no idea that there was a limit to round numbers in forge. Cool tip
See thats what I thought I had to do. I made a map on foundry and both the side rooms are the starting basses. I had one side set as attackers and...
I have a symetrical map that im fine tuning for diferent game types. I have hit a wall when it comes to CTF. The flag spawns and score markers...
Makes sense. Thanks guys. Something to keep in mind for later.
Im not sure what the cutome power up is or how to use. Can someone please explain to me what it is for.
Just joined the hub. Looking forward to seeing whats out there and hopefuly being able to maby get my creations out there in the comunity.