Ive been gone for a while, is TCOJ the same thing as TGIF?
Honestly, discussion is great and all, but expecting 343 to add it to the game because one of the interns saw it on a forum is ridiculous. Have...
Protip: Get more friends and invite them. You don't want randoms ****ing up your game anyway.
If you look closely, the skybox texture is very similar in both videos, except the second one simply has an orange tint. Im calling fx on this one.
I would be satisfied with that alone.
If the first few featured maps do not have trees in them I will be very disappointed.
ಠ_ಠ Its not a wave survival game; you actually have to walk places (wasd keys), and triggers activate as you go into them. I do not think there...
This. I was a bit surprised no one said this earlier, I guess because it is not widely known about. Seriously, play the game. Its scary as hell.
Well, I think I made something that isnt terrible, but then again I don't have much experience in graphic arts, so here ya go. Its just a little...
SINGULARITY By TheUnseenForce Singularity [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]