Super duper hype mode engaged!
Still can't get over that you remembered this sketch after years... looks almost unrecognizable from when it was me and @Dax 's triangle map..
Glad to see you plan on entering :D As to why the contest deadline was set to February - we want to give entrants a decent chunk of time to get...
This is beautiful. But what happened to 5 and top snipe? And OS spawn? And snipe window? :p Curious Edit: misread reimagination as remake, lol.
Reach forge is going to be pretty cool to have back. I wonder how it'll match up performance wise on the Xbox One... Also -- when I saw this I...
Heck yeah, more map previews. The single-color palette is giving me a bit of trouble understanding what's exactly going on - hopefully it'll be...
Hype mode engaged :D
Looks pretty neat Dax. Also nice to see you around.. it's been such a long time man.
I'll start off! It would be great to have an option to limit the maximum size of a lobby. Another nice one would be options to modify individual...
Josh mentioned on the TeamBeyond forums that he would like a custom game option wishlist -- so if there's a neat option you would like Halo 5 to...
Awesome find :D
Hey man, glad to see you're back! :D We had a nice PM convo about this before, but as you pointed out it's a good idea to let everyone know what...
Tried Dark Souls for the first time last Wednesday and I just gotta say, holy cow, a dark souls-inspired map. That game is so vertical... sheesh.