Wow this looks realy cool. I like how the rooms look different from eachother and look very neat. It looks like the map could be fun to play on....
It looks great but the middle should have a little bit more cover, other then that looks cool.
Wow great map! The forging looks really nice. It looks like you spent a lot of time on this map. Nice job on the first post! The link is not...
Cool map, nice turns, its very smooth, and it can be difficult to race on. It looks like you spent a lot of time on it you didn't just hurry up...
.Butter Biscuits.
Hey other a7x fan!!!
Looks great I new it was sanctuary just by looking at the pics, good job!
Hey Cleaver make a V2 on your map and make the bases bigger, make them kinda like the ones on Valhalla or something like that then it would be...
Well the waterfall and bridge looks cool but you could've made the bases alittle bigger and more interesting.
Looks kinda cool, it seems that it would be great for slayer but you should remove the chopper and put in a mongoose or ghost. 4/5
Looks nice dude and nice job using using the outside of the map and not foundry.
It looks too plain and empty all maps don't need interlocking though. You should check out forging 101 still.