Glad you liked Generica Pants. Unfortunately due to the fact of my soon departure to Portugal I wont be able to work on the map any further or...
I fear framerate issues on this map, but good work, it looks to be a great time!
A map [MEDIA]
If it works it works, the map plays how it should and no angles were required :)
yeah geez Paints, you tag him but not me? thanks a lot XD
Ill start working on one soon.
Good work guys. hows spawning?
Hey guys, I thought I'd start a thread to showcase a Forge series I recently uploaded onto my YouTube channel. The series is comprised of nine...
Yeah me as well, I could really use that number again War XD
Looks sweet dude, it reminds me of the 1v1 I never finished. The video wouldn't load for me btw
This is as old as it gets. I made this the first day MCC came out. Its a cool design IMO but if I were to build it now I would have scaled it down...
I dont understand how you could possibly know this without knowing any of the actual forgers or the progression of the maps! You need to stop...