I think I've broken the map, and I'm even more sure after watching the first part of the tutorial (to make sure). I got to the hub and went down...
Ok, well this map took me about half an hour to complete (including a couple of breaks) and I have to say well done. I had a great time doing this...
I finished it in about 4 lives. First of all I have to say, stunning map and, despite it being fairly short and quite easy, I had a lot of fun....
I've seen this before, it is indeed a mod.
I haven't been on much lately but one map I have looked at and loved is Veyron by TFx KiLl3r.
I'd like to give it a go :D GT: Birdboy Dom you've already got me added.
This is an amazing map. The layout is very original and yeah, it does play some tricks on your radar :P While the OP was on holiday me and some...
I add my vote to Prodigy by TFx KiLl3R.
Awesome, I've always wanted to see you make a Big Team map - you're great at small maps but I love big team! You've pulled it off very well in...
No I think he's behind the lower wall on the right next to the gold grav-lift.
Looks very good so far, I've always wanted to see you try a big team map - I love 'em :P The layout looks original and good, with good changes in...
Haha these are all so cool, I've never really done anything like that >.< Once I got 4 betrayals purely by accident within about 30 seconds...
I've completed SP and done a fair amount of MP and I've gotta say this game is insane. Alt 1 controls are just so good - I very rarely find...
I would but unfortunately I can't be on at 1AM GMT+0 :( Have fun though.