This is my friends new Team Fortress 2 channel that he is starting up. He's like, the nicest guy I know, and it would mean a ton to him AND ME...
it would be really cool if you could watch this, and maybe even like it? We're almost at 1k views! Thanks brooo. YouTube - Pursuit of Happiness by...
Whats up, guys? Havent been here for a while. I'm Ryan :) I've been editing a little lately and I ended up deciding to edit a minitage for whoever...
YouTube- Photofinish :: Halo 3 Minitage :: Gameplay from GraveRiot
Alright cool. This goes to everybody that wants to test: I live in Oregon :P Soo. Wednesday and Thursday from 5-8pm will be available times. I...
Here it is. It would be great if I could get some testers, maybe tomorrow. Message me on xbox live: Haze is Sneaky. Feel free to say it's crap or...
This looks like a great map. Unique, and simple. I love it. Good luck with the rest of it. Btw, where do you download the pack for sketchup to get...
I'm not sure if I used the right prefix but.. here we go. So I'm going to try to start a little community-league thing and I need a really cool...
oh hai man havent talked. you still on fh? lololololololololololol