Sorry for the revival of this thread, but I have made another 6 Versions of this map. It is improved 10 fold and I would like to share it with...
Gametype Link is broken. This Looks very easy. Back again. I Dl'ddd... There was all but one original Puzzle and it had to do with a Hidden...
You did not legitly get to the sky at all. Please re-download the map. UPDATE MAP TO 2.0 TO FIX BUGS PLEASE REDOWNLOAD And the tele is One way.
Update - Added a video of the completion of Mario Jumps One Mario 2 and 3 will be up as soon and Someone, or myself beats them. Note: Some...
You do not UNDERSTAND how hard it is. It is harder than your maps I've tried them. No Crazy Jumpamaniac will beat it because I used a crazy...
The Super Mario Series By: Fad3 Out Backstory: It all started at the dawn of the Mythic Map Pack. My friend, a novice jumper, had not...
Its not the same obstacles so yeah, its original. And BTW anyone come close to beating it? Im curious.
Me and my friends worked hard on this so I wanted to post it. Luke is a Korean War veteran, who saw his best friend die in the field of battle...
Yeah i REALLY am sorry for the turret. But FINDING the turret is not the puzzle its how to get to it.
Jumping of Two by Fad3 Out (aka. The360Assasan aka. xJewishBagelxx) Introduction: This is my 6th Puzzle map. I design my map as much as i can...
This is the only person who knows what theyre talking about. To CLARIFY things: I am NOT being arrogant this is LITERALLY every MLG aspect and...