Friend request now!
So that's what you do, you *****.
Gamertag: Career45 Map: Charcoal
Shirley Description: Asymmetric design with influence from Quake, Shirley is an exercise in minimalist design. However, that wasn't the case...
Waylyn Description: This is my introduction to Halo 4 forge. A room-based asymmetrical map making use of the natural geometry in Ravine;...
I'm fine. I'm still forging, incase you were wondering. I have returned to other map editing tools like SDK and Hammer which are pretty much the same.
What's your tag? Sictality? STOP CHANGING YOUR TAG!
1v1's have been getting scarce. We should get together and play some, just like we did in Reach.
"who do you think is going to get to a feature first?"-Career, almost a year ago. Pendant gets featured Oct 26, 2012...
Long time no see, thundercunt!
It happened. There is a montage of Murder Miners. Plus, are map at 2:11.
The lift is annoying but there was nothing I could do about it. Sometimes I wish the grav lift was like it was back Halo 3. As for the...