80Grit also made it into Squad Battle (1 flag)
Thanks man! Woo! I'm honored!
Eighty Grit? - Atlas Submission with trial changes* - Accepted into Bungie vs World Playlist! *Trial changes include: -Man Cannons interlocked...
Thanks Optic. There are quite a few weapons on this map, but not really all that much more than default Sandbox. Even with all the BR's people...
Yeah, Blue base too, BUt I really don't think it gives any adavantage, except an easier way to traverse the top of the bases. OV and Camo, are...
I'm definetly going to check this out. I too have a series of maps called Quadrant. They're on foundry though, made the first when foundry came out.
Oh yeah! Phil, I gotta tell you man... I had a blast on this map Sunday. I can't wait to play the updated version, send me an inv when you see me...
[IMG] Eighty Grit (by Tesai) - This abrasive enviroment has been known to hone the finest soldiers. 6-10 players. Supports all gametypes. CLICK...
Thanks guys! And yes it is a Scarab. The first time I played through Halo 3, i thinks to myself, "Isn't this an Epic battle!". So I went back...
[IMG] Safe Within - You may have seen this on Bungie Favs. Over 432,000 downloads!
Hey Wonder!
I just checked out your map Furious D, twas really friggin cool. Lookes like a perfect map for territories. The base priority seemed real...