I bring you messages from our friends: "Rhyphte, you said you would post! Where are you? I'm getting sad seeing this RP grind to a halt again....
Your turn again. I'm just eager to keep this going ^^
Your turn again
It's your turn on the other forum, bro. I think at this point you get to decide where we're going. I'm sure you'll do fine ^^
also, I'm starting to miss your old ava :( perhaps this will unrustle my jimmies
when you can, check out the PM on the other forum, someone actually started! ^^ also, we need to finish this app soon :/ (I want to post mine so...
aww, you changed your avatar ;_; http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7fgRzWysNzo/T_ous2FF6DI/AAAAAAAAAn4/mI9uDT7flTs/s1600/PinkieInnocent.gif' ^ Fix it...
I'm so glad they fixed the lighting and shading for the objects. Am I the only one here who's been screwed over by that? I am a little concerned...
I thought it was cool what you did with it. I don't know how to mess with Gifs so I thought you did a good job. But I like this new avatar...
you're welcome for the avatar btw :P
I'm back now
Come on everypony, smile, smile, smile!!! >:D
Even if there are 10+ zombies coming at you, it's more fun if there is more than one way for the infected to reach you. I'm not talking about...
Enjoy! ^3^ Pinkie Pie - Smile, Smile, Smile (G major) - YouTube So ya cha think? :3