I assume spawn volumes are probably the same scale as they have been in the previous games though no?
I'm planning on doing this small map as my first adventure into new forge and hopefully have a sane map to 1v1 people on. After that I'll probably...
Damn that map looks awesome, and massive compared to the one I am working on, which is very small, but it looks very fun to play. It also reminds...
@SecretSchnitzel Hexogen got placed on the back burner because I don't really have that much free time and I wanted to design and build a map...
Whats your GT so I can download this?
I guess I can give you guys a sneak peak of what I have been working on for the past few weeks. [img] Should be reaching the point where I can...
Greenhouse was a 70s timer with a substantially weaker BR, camo is made way worse when you can actually hit the target with a functioning weapon,...
I really like 75s for camo. While camo does last for ~45s it is out of the weapons listed(except maybe brute I haven't really messed with it at...
90s is a long time for a camo... and no way does speed boost justify a 60s timer either(it only lasts for 15s iirc) Also why aren't BRs or frags...
Holy **** its almost the end of January. After xmas I could disastrously sick and the time just blows by. I really need to finish moving my map...
Seeing people trying to "competitively" play Lockout Hill makes me want to take forks to my eyes.
Good to know nothings changed in my time away.
**** **** **** Thanks.
Is stop using awful game types valid "feedback"? On the topic of HCS feedback/settings, someone who may be more knowledgeable in the scene than I...
Damn my long reply to feedback on map is gone :( Anyways for those who missed it here's what I've been wasting my time on: [IMG] @aPK Weapon...