Which is your favorite? Halo 1, 2 or 3. Halo Wars doesn't count because its not a first person shooter. Tick off the box in the poll that is your...
the pictures dont work. You have to embed them in your post or this thread will be removed.
Looks a little sloppy, you could have made the asthetics a little better. For how i like the map, it seems like i would have fun with it for a...
It looks like you just slaped things on the map without caring about the appearance of the map. I need to see some gameplay pictures, theres...
i dont like either bases. i dont like how you can glitch ontop of the map from both bases. also if you have a seizure condition, i wouldnt...
Hey everybody, I just made a double map on sanbox in the crypt. Almost the same as the default map but made in the crypt. Its smaller and is made...
Asylum Note - "This is not supposed to be an origional map, its a remake of the map made for doubles".. Asylum is a remake of the default...
I just was looking at Freds Twitter and I was looking for mor people to follow and I just found the support teams twitter. I guess they just made...
nice! this looks like a really fun map. i like the structure of the map and it looks like it will have good gamplay too.
this map looks pretty good. i like the two bases. looks lokie this map would be good for slayer.
this map looks amazing! i love the idea that you came up with. looks like a great map.