This needs to be in action sack! Now! Seriously, I dl'd, and died about 6 times before scoring. Then I realized how much I was laughing and...
Downloading because of the name. Your ploy has worked! I'll edit this with my thoughts when I get around to playing it.
Yeah, I usually go for the GL on Sword Base as well, although I'll often use it from the hallway outside yellow lift to bounce grenades in there...
I have to say, this is a really cool idea. I'm definitely interested in trying it out, but I'm curious if you've experimented with the length of...
Grenade Launcher, all the way. I love the feeling of accomplishment anytime you one shot someone with it. I love that most people ignore it, so...
I'm merely OK with most weapons in Reach, but get the grenade launcher in my hands and I absolutely destroy everything in sight. To wit, on...
Cobra is excellent. I definitely enjoyed my race on it. All of the features on Mansion are pretty nifty. I enjoyed exploring it as an aesthetic...
Well, I'm not ready to go into full-on rage mode or start talking about a secret conspiracy involving shadow corporations and the man behind the...
Errr. Yep. I'm a little disappointed. While Enclosed is certainly the best of the maps that were in the community playlist, was it really the best...
Well! Thanks for the comment, I guess. I'm pretty surprised by your feedback because it basically flies in the face of all the other feedback I've...
This is a little off topic, but I'll try to answer in a way that is both on-topic and helpful. There is a lot of advice about spawning on this...
Thanks for the comment! I have never noticed the engine chugging when I've played it, except of course when you pull back to view the whole map in...
Whoa, thanks for all the comments guys, I didn't think this thread would get resurrected! I also fixed the broken links. I don't know why that...
Well, sorry in advance. I played this game with my friends last night, first 2 player, then 4 player split screen ffa. There were issues. -The...
You all make good points and they've all been made before, many times. On topic: I wonder when the next round of maps will be rotated in. My...