Haha why thank you. The the first moving kill ball I thought was better before it is now. I had it on a sort of U shape and it would go back and...
Haha they are actually power ups. Red - Overshield, Blue - Camo, Green/yellow - Custom
Death Track 2.0 Welcome all to the second version of Death Track. Since my first version wasn't all that good..in my eyes, it also had over 1300...
Haha yeah sorry. It was my first time using the check points..it's harder then you think at first. But right now im uploading a death track 2.0!
Why thank you. Haha like I said first map ever so there's flaws. But I think I will start making a death track 2 where it's smooth all around, and...
Go for it! Haha if you like it haha. I wanna see this video :) Yeah I'm going to edit it and polish it up smooth it. So don't worry Haha
Well this is the first race track I ever made. Really first map I ever made. So tell me what you guys think. Overwiew: All around forge world....
You can put the one way shield door on the ground
Can you guys please commet and test my track? Tell me what you think BUNGIE DOWNLOAD Overwiew: All around forge world. Teleporters....
I would say change the kill ball respawn to 30 seconds. 15-20 is a bit faster than gears i think.
Yeah at the bottom I said I didn't put any weapons on, YET. And The human respawn (suicides only) is what I forgot. And zombies spawn on the first...
Welcome to 6 levels. Was first called 5 levels but I wanted to add a little more haha. This is my first map, and it's basically the map where...