*FACE PALM* watch the damn video the teleporter works fine, if you had watched the video you would of known that, also there is a screen shot of...
Beautiful map. The aesthetics are unique and entertaining. Perfectly forged, turns, waves, hills, BANKED waves, and such are well thought out and...
Authors: stoyben, Aceofspades0707, and DIEabolical D Map Name: Prolific Map Size: Medium ________________________________________________...
Authors: stoyben, DIEabolical D Map Name: Stratholme Map Size: Large __________________________________________________ Description:...
Ya, I just put it under the racetrack category and I don't know how to change it.
Download: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Description: Special thanks to Chung wii and all of my my testers. Hey all you little boys...
wow really nice spam, this map has a very unique lay out i like your use of bridge's as cover / line of sight, the structures make for intresting...
alienated ?
This map is very good from my point of view, may be you could add a game play video to show how well it plays, the only problem i can see if some...
Creators: stoyben and tHc WaFFleZ This map is a mini game me and wafflez made the rules are simple try to killl the others teams vip with a...