One day of not playing Halo isn't going to convince bungie to add a glitch in to online matchmaking. Bungie has enough problems as it is when...
If you need a bassist i'm open for an open band.
I have it beaten but I have to go through it again on expert. The first time my 360 screwed up and lost my characters and all of my achievements...
RO is an online MMO and when you level up a blue circle goes around you and a light impales you.
I could join it would be fun. I don't want to change my gamertag though since I just finished changing it. Gamertag is StoniesTeacher
This should clear things up for you. You do not I repeat DO NOT need to 100% the notes to get a gold star rating. Gold stars occur when you reach...
Something for the RO fans thats play Halo. [IMG] Halo 3 Screenshot Viewer
First time I've seen someone in the egg. Nice work 4/5. Also this isn't a photoshop or anything just go to Youtube and search for "Davinci Egg"...
Very nice. Thats the first time I saw the green one. What corner was the box at to get it green. What is the Bbue door anyway I don't think I saw...
You sir may has fail for that one. Look at his hands. Only one of his hands has a sword while the other sword is clearly being held by the Red...
A friend of mine set the tip of my gravity hammer on fire with a flamethrower. Do not use a firebomb since it will not work because trying to hit...
One very bored teen and Halo 3. [IMG]