Help me ! Hello fellow members of forgehub I recently built a computer at college and I'm having trouble installing the audio drivers for this...
Hey guys I really don't mean to be nasty, but could you please re-read the thread and then you'll get what I'm saying. I need you to send me a...
HAVA Platinum HD
Guess who's back? Steve is :omg: Hey everyone, you might remember me from like last year ... a lot of those people have most likely left by now....
Yeah, ask my girlfriend... This can't be true!
The file has been completed in HD, it's now uploading to a filehosting site. Then I'll send you the download link. Remember to say here how it...
No, I put a glowing effect of the first voiceover screen. Adobe After Effects
If I was to trade in Guitar Hero World Tour Full Band Kit, how much would I get? roughly. in £'s
I've been thinking... Tokyo drift is gonna be so hard. As theres alot of people envolved. Got any ideas?
It's pretty cool, though seen it all before. :D I'm sad I play Halo 3 like everday since the last year + since it came out... LOL
Hello everyone, :monitor: Some of you early members from ForgeHub may remember my map: The Watchtower Some of you may...