new gameplay vid in my 5tomp fileshare
More screenshots... in forge, showing spawns and some diff angles... toMIDred [IMG] Bird'sEye Blue [IMG] Bird'sEye MidBlue [IMG] toREDflaggish...
**update** PreMiuM v3.1 : Halo 3 File Details Partially updated, minus the mauler problem lol, with slight weapon location changes...
haha of course there is spawn points actually the spawn system is amazing it took me a long time to get both slayer and CTF playable... some of...
More... Off the top of my head the weapons list is as follows: 6 Carbines 8 BR's 4 Plasma nades 4 frags 1 mauler NO powerups NO power weapons
sORRY Sorry about the download link, copy/paste error... I added some more screenshots, check out the walkthrough vid available in my fileshare;...
PreMiuM v3 PreMiuM v3.1 : Halo 3 File Details...