I'm buying it for sure. No questions asked.
agreed, this would stop people from not dying because certain guns don't shoot underwater.... I would just add a teleporter that spans the...
mixed feelings. I wouldn't buy it as a full game. Arcade game? Yes.. Why you ask? Sure, CE was FANTASTIC. Even if they did have MP, it would be...
My Review: Enjoyment: 10/10 -Extremely enjoyable, definitely fun and replayable. I'll be keeping this variant for sure :p Balance: 10/10...
My review: Enjoyment: 9/10 -This map was actually very fun. The idea was awesome, and it worked (for the most part). I definitely will keep...
It can't happen. That would be a monopoly. Monopolies are illegal... Maybe games would just have cross-platform multiplayer? I know they tried...
i know. it's so random, that's why. We never expected anyone to appear with a hitler stache eating mashed potatoes.
Me and my brother and cousin were on omegle. we found this guy. He wins... YouTube - Hitler eats lunch on Omegle
Spy has to be in there, it's a defining class of TF2. That, and I like going invisible 0_o I'm liking the re-make so far!
Food and drink: Never a bad thing to have munchies, just make sure they won't get your console ruined or your controllers sticky. TV's: no one...
I'm probably going to have to play minecraft until christmas because my xbl ran out :( I'm not complaining though :)
I have 3 offline inheritor accs for machinima. That's what jtags are good for haha. So inheritor is the highest. and max credits is somewhere...
I actually like the interface better to be honest. It's much better IMO when it's sleek and flat.
I had a tiny little cottage for a while, it was overlooking a waterfall. every once in a while Mobs like cows and sheep would spawn in my house....