I decided that instead of making a new thread for every sig I make, I'm just going to update this post. I have a sig shop going on over at...
I don't think too many people really care about who created the map they're playing on. I've never asked who the lighting guy was, or who the...
I like the second and third ones, but they could use some more details.
Alright cool, you can PM me whenever. Also, why don't you like Photoshop anymore?
Yes, I've done my fair share of vectoring/vexeling. I haven't really done any artsy stuff lately, though. Mostly posters and brochures from last...
Hey, I added my SOTW 66 entry. What do you folks think? And thanks, RightSideTheory. I've been eying that Resources sticky but haven't used it yet.
I understand what style you're going for, I just think that some colorful details would look good. Like some thin blue or yellow lines on his...
The sig could use some color, and I'd make his eye lighter than the rest of his shell. The avatar is perfect, though. :D
Haha, thanks. :) Thanks for the feedback.
Edit: SOTW 66 Entry I incorporated parts of my Reach sig into this one because I thought it flowed well. It came out a bit more hectic than I'd...
Oh, thanks. By the way, a couple of your sigs ran out of Photobucket bandwidth apparently. Why do you have that "Loberg" thing with the smiley?
I just figured it out by testing with the Forgehub banner and Bloo Jay's avatar. All is well. :) Is it possible to have the image change into...