Why do you post things that you yourself don't think are good?
Oh yeah it did, thanks. I'll edit that into the original post. Do you think I should leave that portion empty or try to find something else that...
You could buy it almost anywhere. Walmart, Target, Best Buy. It's around $60. Before purchasing it, though, I'd consider GIMP. It's a completely...
I wanted to try a typographic rendering of a short, cool speech and I thought this was a good bet. "Man, I see in fight club the strongest and...
*They're. And, wow, that's being a ****ing douchebag. Oh, and, motion blur.
Check 'em out and dish out teh CnCzors Mountain v2 [IMG] Art Festival Poster [IMG] Rain [IMG] Constant Logo [IMG] Konclusion...
lol, in the thread for Bird's Nest, the only one (I know oF) that you've done so far, all the comments are like, "You should get the hi-res...
*eek* Just reminded me my computer's speakers are broken. OhNew Metallica songs=more reason to fix them. Thanks, though. I hope what you get is...
Cool beans, lol, Hot Rod. Ever see it? But yeah, huge thanks for reminding me about the Secret Santa.
I don't what to say. It has a very attractive snowman, which is always a plus... a neat-o tree and very askew mountains... a nice sun......
How long until Review Hub is up and running?
Oh, OK. Well no, sorry