Still get misked answers from people about this warthog idea. =/ lol
Ah ok, so do you think there a way I could improve this idea then?
That was the idea. It can only move back and forwards, meaning you move it between the side and main rooms as a mobile turrent. Its confined on...
Yeah, got the idea for flipped stairs from Bayon network. Ty to the creators of that :) So some of you like the warthog some don't. A question to...
Thanx gaiz. I think ima make another map kinda like this (seeing yu like it) but bigger and more team ctf orientated. : ) Thanx again for the...
Jeez Feature this map already. Best map evar.
Thanks :). Didnt even think of it just made it as i went along.
Sinister Download : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing (I need to workout how to do the download mask thing...
This is a very nice idea that was definatly delivered in gameplay. Maybe anotehr one with 4 players on each team to come?
Yeah, i just dream up awsome ideas either never get to it, start it then just forget about it or i start and i find out what i dreamt was to...
You probaly wont see any maps from me soon, cause im to lazy to make my ideas real lol. Ive got 3 in my head right now. A half arena/ semi...
Nice Shot! :o
Hai Gaiz :p Um so i just join Forge hub and just wanna say hi. I dont make many maps on halo 3 and it taes me a veeeeerrrrrrryyyyyy long time...