A remix/ Remake of the popular Halo 3 br Tournament. http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Explorer%20Oak/screenshot/3950784...
You should be proud! We are two side of same coin. And we both play to our strengths, as it should be.
Of course, if nothing else you could always have another help in that department. I'll take your word for it, in my experince i've yet to see...
Yh Of course, and thank you for your input. I admire that creative ability, it is surely a skill set all on it's own.Not not my intention, i...
I'm aware this has been an issue, but why must it continue? And no less on forge hub? We all agree remakes are great, and yeah that new color...
There is no sacrafising aesthetics for design, that confuses me.
Of couro Most good designers have the potential to make there map decent, and clean at the very least. As as well as an exceptionaly talented...
Looks win? It sure is a dissapointment that Good looking maps are all the rage now. As appose to exceptional design. I mean if you take a look at...
dude that ****ing sucks, any way to change gametype in forge lobby? I Don't recal an option
Explorer Oak love me some competive asymetrical! also interested in testing even the most amatuer of maps, add and invite with messege
Nah, it wouldn't work, BTB is a good option though.
If you don't have Halo 5 yet, and want to Roulette host maps/Gametypes Custom game style in MCC, please submit entree/GTag below and add/invite...