This is cool, I've never thought of this for a mini-game before. It's like reverse tug of war, so I downloaded.
Eh, I kind of agree with you. Even though it has been disproved that hitboxes on both classes are the same, the visual box is different. I wish...
DTL, if that is the case then what to screenshots count as? For me I just create an account made specifically for custom content, then get it off...
Wow, that's some hardcore fanboyism. Or just nerd.
Hey, can I get un-warned considering what I did was a complete accident? Thanks.
This race track is cool, and the interlocking is very smooth, no bumps. Could you post more pics though and say if it's cheat proof? And how does...
Hey, could you change my name to SoInSaNe. Hope I'm not asking to much, but I didn't know I'd get in trouble, and LovieDovie isn't really my...
Haha, that was funny when TwoSaltedNuts said 'IN MY MOUTH..!!'.
I like the fusion coils acting as bombs, but this looks more of a competitive map. The aesthetics are good (but not too good), but maybe you...
I like Halo: CE for it's story, and Halo 2 for it's balanced multiplayer. Halo 3 is great because it has new features and better graphics. I think...
There is going to be another game based on Halo. I think it may be named either Halo: BLUE or The Halo Chronicles. I honestly think Bungie should...
War of the Worlds is a good story, I don't see how they went wrong with the movie's ending. Also, Jimbodawg, Funny Games really does suck. I...
Very nice racetrack. It actually feels like a circuit track. The interlocking is great, but I see few flaws. -Falling off of racetracks is never...
I am mad that Microsoft halted the release of information on this project. I was excited about this as much as anyone else.